​Registration Fees are on a per person basis. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes.
The Registration Fees do not include hotel reservations. Reserve your hotel room here.
Registration will close after Friday, June 13, 2025.
​Registration Fee: October – May 1: $700 for all full registrants.
An optional payment plan of four payments of $175 each will be available until November 22, 2024.
Payments will be deducted from your account on December 6, January 3, February 7, and March 7.
No exceptions will be made after November 22.
Late Registration Fee: May 2 – June 13: $750 for the first
full registrant. Any additional full registrant will be $700.
Saturday Night Dinner Guest Only: until June 13: $125
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evening Guest: until June 13: $350